When we realized that our grandkids (and their parents) were spending the Memorial Day weekend only 15 miles away in Port Aransas, we offered to provide a "Dolphin Watching" trip on Lucky Us. We arrived in Port A about 9:30 amidst great excitement. There was another couple with their 2 kids (ages 2 & 4). Talk about busy! There were 5 kids between the ages of 7 weeks and 4 years.
In the picture on the left (above) Bob is holding a sleeping Katie (age 7 weeks), and yes, when she was outside, she wore her infant life vest! The vest was a little tight under her chin, but she slept through most of her first ride on Lucky Us.
After dropping everyone off back at Port Aransas, The Admiral and I had a delightful lunch as we motored back to Rockport for the night. It was early to bed with a LONG nights sleep for the grandparents! Grandchildren are an absolutely great gift, but they are tiring!!!
What a fun day - and I love that all the kiddos got to steer the boat!