Well, what could that title possibly mean? Think no further. Just think Grandkids! Special thanks to Jill and Bob for making it possible for us to meet up with them and (sorry folks) even more importantly, the Grandkids at Tampa Airport.
As you can see, there was considerable excitement all around. Face-Time on i-Pad is wonderful, but nothing replaces a real hug and/or kiss! We had a very busy lunch on the waterfront in downtown St. Petersburgh. We were definitely suffering withdrawal after just over 10 weeks on the Great Loop, and it was certainly special not to have to wait until early in November to see them again. Katie (15+ months) Will (3.5 years) and Sarah (will be 5 in early Oct.) were definitely a sight to beHOLD.
As you might imagine, we did plenty of holding...
The Admiral displayed her leadership skills by "allowing" me to be the photgrapher, but I did manage to get in one or two of the pictures...
Sadly, the visit ended far, far too soon, but we are now back onboard Lucky Us feeling very tired but also very happy!
Tomorrow has already been declared an official "Day of Rest". Obviously, the Admiral and I do not agree on everything but this vote was unanamous!
Three grand kids were REALLY excited to see their grandparents! The visit got off to a great start with the kids seeing Grandpa before he saw them. Thankfully he heard them running just before they almost tackled him! As Dad said,uch fun was had by all! The kids were excited to see Grandma & Grandpa on their boat trip!