We left New Smyrna (after a MUCH needed pump out) and headed north. After about 4 miles, we turned to starboard (right or east) and headed out into the Atlantic Ocean. The first picture is taken from Lucky Us out in the Atlantic Ocean looking back along the jetty. The inlet is officially known as Ponce de Leon Inlet, and based on his recorded latitude, this inlet is where he first came ashore. The inlet comes in and crosses the narrow bay behind the barrier island and ends. This makes a T-intersection rather than a "cross" when the inlet goes into a river. Thus, one hypothesis is that he then headed north to what is now St. Augustine where he found the "cross" intersection that he was looking for...

Here I am at the helm with the jetty in the background as we head back to shore. Fortunately we actually missed the shore and successfully followed the Ponce de Leon Channel back to the IntraCoastal Waterway. Handsome devil! Even if I say so myself, and believe me I have to.

The lighthouse is truly beautiful and can be seen from a long way even when travelling in the Waterway. It was a short trip of about 12 miles plus the detour out into the Atlantic. Just as we were arriving at our marina a short thunderstorm started so we waited "at least" 5 minutes for the storm to pass before entering the marina. Docking was pretty easy as we just came in and turned around to dock alongside a fairly long pier. The manager of the marina told me that I did an "excellent job". That got him a couple of extra dollars on his tip...
After lunch on board, it pretty much rained all afternoon, which is why we have been trying to leave early on travel days. It cleared up in time for us to take the scooters and go out for dinner.

Here I am trying to do a wheelie on Daytona Beach. Okay, it is confusing. Lots of things where we are staying are called Daytona Beach (including the beach) even though we are officially in Port Orange just south of Daytona. I guess that no body wants to go on Spring Break in Port Orange??? So, it is a time honored tradition to re-name things to make them more popular. So, here I am on Daytona Beach...

When looking at the Google map for the area around our marina, I spotted something that just had to be an old, abandoned drive-in movie theater. Well, it turns out not to be abandoned, but it is now a drive-in church. The screen is gone, but the ticket booth is at right and the sign advertising the movie now says "Looking for a life saver? Ours walks on water".
Tomorrow? More swimming in the ocean and???
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